Launched from the Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate program
Featuring multimedia and clinical findings from The New England Journal of Medicine
Our mission is to organize and expand the world's collective medical knowledge.
OpenEvidence is what we always imagined when we used to talk about someone finally solving medical search.
Information overload is an extreme challenge in medicine.
The amount of medical research published annually is doubling every 5 years.[1] Such a rate of change makes it nearly impossible for the world’s physicians, medical researchers, and healthcare professionals to monitor and understand all the latest research literature and clinical evidence relevant to their work.
To tame the medical information firehose, we built OpenEvidence to aggregate, synthesize, and visualize clinically relevant evidence in understandable, accessible formats that can be used to make more evidenced-based decisions and improve patient outcomes.
PhD, Harvard
Founded Kensho Technologies, one of the most valuable AI acquisitions in history
PhD Candidate, Harvard
Worked with Alexander Rush
Post-Doc, MIT
PhD, MPI for Intelligent Systems
Worked with Antonio Torralba
Worked with Kalyan Veeramachaneni
Worked with Jacob Andreas
Worked with Peter Szolovits
PhD, Harvard
PhD, Harvard
Formerly @ Kensho Technologies
PhD, Princeton
BS, Computer Science, UCLA
MEng, Computer Science, Cornell Tech
MEng, Computer Science, Cornell Tech
MS, Computer Science, UMass Amherst
Formerly @ Google
MEng, Computer Science, MIT
BSE, Computer Science, Princeton
BS, Computer Science and Mathematics, MIT
AB, Statistics, Harvard
BA, Computer Science, Williams
Formerly @ Amazon Web Services (AWS)
MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School, MIT
Head of AI for the UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center
Formerly CCO/CRO @ PulsePoint
AB, Princeton
MA, Cambridge
Formerly @ Doximity
BA, Economics, UC Berkeley
Clinical Chief, Cardiology, Cedars-Sinai
Faculty, Mayo Clinic
Vice Chair for Research, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic
Vice Chair, Department of Rheumatic and Immunologic Diseases, Cleveland Clinic
Faculty, Harvard Medical School
MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School
Faculty, UW Medicine
MD, Harvard Medical School
Medical Director AI Operations, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
Faculty, Cardiovascular Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine
Vice Chair, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Vice Chair & Professor of Medicine, UNC
MD, Columbia
3000+ brain surgeries performed
Nobel Prize Laureate
Professor Emeritus, Princeton
Author of Thinking, Fast and Slow
Computer Science Faculty, Cornell
Former Computer Science Faculty, Harvard
Post-Doc, FAIR; Worked with Yann LeCunn